Lily's Leaves
Rabina Kumari Majhi

Rabina Kumari Majhi

My name is Rabina Kumari Majhi, and I am from Chandranagar Gaupalika-2, Babarganj, Sarlahi. I have been undergoing advanced tailoring training at Lily Leaves organization for the past five months. Coming from a financially weak background, my family has always struggled to make ends meet. However, this training program has been a game-changer for me. 

It has given me advanced skills and techniques to create high-quality garments that are in high demand. Before this training, I had no work and no source of income. But now, I have plenty of work and am earning a good income that has significantly improved my family's financial situation. I am grateful for the training program, which has enabled me to become self-sufficient and support my family. 

I feel empowered and motivated to continue improving my skills and expanding my business in the future. I am thankful for the opportunity provided by Lily Leaves organization to transform my life and realize my dreams.