Lily's Leaves
Bandana Gurung

Bandana Gurung

My name is Bandana Gurung, and I am from Chitwan. I am deaf, and communication has always been a challenge for me. However, despite the odds, I have been learning jewelry training for the past five months from Lily's Leaves organization. The training has been a life-changing experience for me, and I am grateful for this opportunity. 

After the training, I started working with Lily's Leaves, where I have been creating beautiful jewelry pieces. Before this, I had no work and was struggling to make ends meet. But now, I have plenty of work, and I am earning a good income that has made me financially independent. 

This training has not only helped me gain valuable skills but also provided me with the confidence to pursue my dreams. I am grateful to Lily's Leaves for giving me the opportunity to learn and grow, and I am excited about what the future holds for me.