Lily's Leaves
Rojina Thapa Magar

Rojina Thapa Magar

My name is Rojina Thapa Magar, and I am from Shikharpur, Sindhupalchok. For the past five months, I have been on a journey to learn tailoring with Lily Leaves organization, where I joined the first group of learners. 

Before starting this training, I had nothing much to do, and I was always looking for ways to keep myself occupied. However, since joining Lily Leaves, my life has changed for the better. The trainers have been very supportive throughout my journey, and I have been able to learn new techniques and improve my skills. 

This training has been a life-changing experience for me. I have gained confidence in my abilities as a tailor and have learned how to create beautiful clothes from scratch. The Lily Leaves organization has provided me with a supportive environment where I can grow and develop as a tailor. The skills that I have acquired during this training have enabled me to start my own tailoring business, and I am now able to contribute to my family's income.