Lily's Leaves
Min kumari Majhi

Min kumari Majhi

Dear Lily Leaves,

I am from Katari, Udayapur, andI am writing to express my gratitude for the opportunity to receive training in tailoring at your establishment. My name is Min kumari Majhi, and I have been training with Lily Leaves for the past 5 months. prior to the training, I had no prior experience in tailoring. However, thanks to your expert guidance, I have gained valuable skills and knowledge that have equipped me to pursue a career in tailoring.

Your dedication to helping me and the other trainees has been unwavering, and your commitment to quality work is evident in every piece we create. I am grateful for the patience, kindness, and encouragement you have shown me during my time at Lily Leaves.

As I move forward with my career in tailoring, I will always remember the lessons I learned and the support I received at Lily Leaves. Thank you for everything you have done for me and for giving me the opportunity to learn and grow.